According to Way #1134 the City of Saltillo was about 200 feet long by 37 feet wide. It was amazing how I just kept walking down the gravel bar and there was more and more boat. The boat sits with the stern downstream which is probably how she ended up after hitting the bank. Some sources say she started sinking at which point the crew put the stage off the starboard side of her and as people were crossing to shore the stern got pulled out into the river by the current and pivoted on the bow essentially knocking the stage off the shore. She probably moved downstream slightly aided by the current and then sank enough that she was stuck. The bank there is fairly steep so there was concern that she would roll over. This picture shows her with a big list to the starboard side.
Like I said there really isn't much of the boat left but as I got to the stern there were parts of the wheel that were visible. A couple of the spokes of the wheel still had the hardware that held the buckets in place.